Motivation, Supervision, and Adherence to Medical Waste Policy in South Labuhanbatu, North Sumatera


  • Syahrul An University of North Sumatera
  • Irnawati Marsaulina Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara
  • Destanul Aulia Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara


Background: Medical waste is unwanted bio­lo­gical products that are highly infectious in na­ture. It is broadly classified as infectious waste and bio­hazardous waste, and can easily spread any disease virally and can even pose a danger to life. Me­dical waste is found in hospitals, labo­ratories, re­search centres, tattoo parlours, and others. It has to be disposed properly otherwise it poses a health and environmental danger. This study aimed to examine the effects of motivation and supervision on adherence to medical waste policy in South Labuhanbatu, North Sumatera.

Subjects and Method: This was a cross-sec­ti­onal study carried out in South Labuhanbatu, Nor­th Sumatera. A sample of 34 health care wor­kers were selected for this study, consisting of health center doctors, private doctors, and health clinic owner. The dependent variable was adhe­ren­ce to medical waste policy. The independent vari­ables were motivation and supervision. The data were collected by questionnaire and analyz­ed by multiple logistic regression.

Results: Adherence to medical waste policy was affect­ed by strong motivation (OR= 6.31; 95%CI= 2.74 to 9.33; p= 0.048) and regular supervision (OR= 5.56; 95%CI= 3.42 to 8.09; p= 0.039).

Conclusion: Adherence to medical waste policy is affected by motivation and supervision.

Keywords: waste policy, adherence, motivation, supervision.

Correspondence: Syahrul An. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, North Sumatera. Email: Mobile: 082366502449.

Journal of Health Policy and Management (2020), 05(02): 146-151

Author Biography

Syahrul An, University of North Sumatera



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How to Cite

An, S., Marsaulina, I., & Aulia, D. (2020). Motivation, Supervision, and Adherence to Medical Waste Policy in South Labuhanbatu, North Sumatera. Journal of Health Policy and Management, 5(2), 146–151. Retrieved from


