Implementation of Patient Dissatisfaction among Outpatient at Muslimat General Hospital, Ponorogo, East Java


  • Siti Sulasiyah Strada Institute of Health Sciences, Kediri, Indonesia
  • Katmini Strada Institute of Health Sciences, Kediri, Indonesia
  • Prima Dewi Kusumawati Strada Institute of Health Sciences, Kediri, Indonesia



Background: Patient satisfaction is the result of the patient's assessment of health services by comparing what is expected in accordance with the reality of health services received in a hospital health setting. This study aimed to determine the dissatisfaction of outpatients at Muslimat General Hospital, Ponorogo, East Java.

Subjects and Method: This was a qualitative study, with in-depth interviews with informants. Discussions and interviews were conducted in the community within Muslimat General Hospital, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia. A total of 10 outpatient patient were included in this study. The outpatient patient was interviewed in August to September 2022. The transcribed data were analyzed using content analysis.   

Results: The distribution of informants based on Responsiveness obtained data from Responsive Officers in handling patient complaints in the area as many as 10 informants (100%) were satisfied while the waiting time was not too long as many as 7 informants (70%) were satisfied while those who felt dissatisfied were 3 informants (30%) informants based on Assurance data obtained. Officers provided information about the patient's disease and experts at work as many as 10 informants (100%) were satisfied. The distribution of informants based on Empathy obtained data. Officers always maintain good communication with patients and officers are able to provide comfort to patients as many as 10 informants (100%) are satisfied. The distribution of informants based on Tangibles obtained data The place was clean and comfortable as many as 7 informants (70%) who were satisfied while those who felt dissatisfied were 3 informants (30%) while the Completeness of the tools used for examination were 8 informants (80%) who were satisfied while who were dissatisfied as many as 2 informants (20%).

Conclussion: Outpatients are satisfied with the service, the waiting time is not too long, and feel that the staff always maintains good communication with patients.


Keywords: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangibles.



Katmini. Strada Institute of Health Sciences, Kediri, Indonesia. Jl. In Panjaitan, Siman, East Java. Email: Mobile: +62 823-3466-2921.


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How to Cite

Sulasiyah, S., Katmini, & Kusumawati, P. D. (2024). Implementation of Patient Dissatisfaction among Outpatient at Muslimat General Hospital, Ponorogo, East Java. Journal of Health Policy and Management, 9(1), 94–101.


